
The Horseshoe Store and more

                                                                                    since 1978

The Horseshoe Store & More

PO Box 300912 Austin, TX      78703



We are eclectic people, as are our links. Enjoy taking a look at our friends.

Visit those who peak your interest. -  Makers of GMG All Natural Animal Wash for mange and hotspots plus more All natural products for people, pets and our earth. - Highly polished real steel horseshoes - amazing, personal gifts

Bioneers is a forum for connecting the environment, health, social justice, & spirit within a broad progressive framework. Because, as activists we must walk our talk!

Domaine de Fraisse - If you love horses, history & people - visit here! We stayed in this wonderful retreat center in the south of France, not far from Carcasonne.

Amy Tanaka  Janet ruptured a disc in her lower back in September 2008 and was confined to a wheel chair for over a month.  After countless visits to chiropractors, acupuncturists and hospital, she finally met a yoga teacher who directed her to this site.  By Thanksgiving 2008 she was cooking turkey without pain! Amy Tanaka is the healer/teacher who helped Janet recover.  If you’re in Southern California and you have back problems (what horseshoer doesn’t?) contact Amy to set you standing straight!

Nunei Natural Beauty Nunei Harrington is the best esthetician in LA!  She’s organic - she won’t put anything on your face that you couldn’t eat!  Your skin looks divine afterwards!  Check out her fun and informative website.  Even hoof care professionals can use the talents of a good esthetician!

Source Books & Sacred Spaces  The best online metaphysical bookstore in cyberspace!

The Holistic Horse Purveyors of holistic health care for animals & humans. Fine people too!

The Healing Artist Janet’s “other” work. Check it out.  Certainly a bit out of the ordinary.